'Face the Nation' slot of IBNLive, today was honoured to have the 2nd 'Iron Man' of India, after Free India's First Home Minister, Sardar Ballav Bhai Patel , the 'Ex-Deputy PM and Home Minister', Mr.Lal Krishna Advani , as their guest.
I am tempted to ventilate instinctively, after going through the entire 'text' of 'Most relevant and expected Questions', being put to him and his as usual 'focussed' way in answering all those, though sometimes seemed controversial, yet his strong visionary and 'perceptive-thoughts' were out in open, candidly being put to words during the entire conversation.
There was a new twist this year to the undigging of the 14 year old grave of the 12/6 demolition. Babasaheb Ambedkar's statue was defaced at Kanpur as usual by the anti-national elements, to inject venom into the emotion-driven minds of the Indian public (this year ironically the Dalits), enrage them to violent riots, disrupt normal public life and destruct public properties.
Riots and chaos in India have become so common now-a-days that people have become immuned to it. Few days of pressure on the govt. machinery and life starts again at it's usual-self !
All these previous 13 years, acts of terrorism in one form or the other as, 'a priory' to 12/6/92 mostly culminated in bomb-blasts in trains, public transports and other vulnerable areas.The deviation to that trend this year, hence is more eye-raising, dubious and more alarming for INDIA as a Democracy, an apprehension that I hate the most to do, but couldnot but do.
Defacing of Babasaheb's statue was more aimed to achieve a political mileage, that was unmasked while the 'Sachar Committee Report' was tabled in the parliament, and the uproars that marred it's proceedings in protesting a disguised and gaurded written statement by the PM, that was less in spirit for real upliftment of Dalits and more as 'muslim-appeasement' vote-bank policy of the government keeping an eye on the upcoming UP Assembly election.
Tomorrow will be the fifth anniversary of the Black-Day in Democratic INDIA when the 'Sanctum Sanctorum' of democracy the Parliament, was attacked by the 'Neo-Power' of the Evil. Ironically, the enemies within, are still procrastinating 'execution' of the chief convict, of that attack, in the name of 'clemency' !
Extremely disusting and shameful was how shameless, so called, self-proclaimed 'progressives' and 'page-3 celebrities' could be, to chose this evening, to 'inaugurate' a book on 'Mohammed Afzal Guru', aimed at making that 'chief convict', a Hero ! And who wrote that book ??? None other than the 'booker-prize winner', Arundhati Roy !!!
The book, 13 December - A Reader: The Strange Case of the Attack on the Indian Parliament , is more of a 'lawyer's argument' than of the writer's literary capabilities, hence only depicts her 'puppyish and slavish' character.
This blogger takes this opportunity to put one of his comments of relevance to 12/06/92, in the article Ayodhya-at-Chikamagalur being copy pasted below.
"I have my say with Pride as representing, 'We the People of India, i;e Bharat'. Will my 'muslim-brethren' and champion 'secularists' reply to my query : What Defines a 'Masjid' and was the disputed-structure really a Masjid ??
If not, are you not denegrating the sanctity of the Holy 'Shrine' i;e Masjid ?? I recall a conversation with one 'Maulabi', just a week after the Dec.6,92. I still vividly remember his words, "Agar koi ek ghar hotel ban jaye to woh ghar, ghar neihin kehlata" = When a house is transformed into a hotel, it no more is called a home=
India,i;e Bharat, was during thousands of years of it's history, still is today, and shall continue to remain in future also, a 'secular' country, till and until the minority community co-exist with 'Love, Compassion and Total Faith', on their majority Hindu brethren and refrain them-selves from being prey to the evil-designs of the 'vested-interest-groups' and politics of 'Pseudo-Edification and Appeasement'.
Our Akhand-Bharat(Undivided-India) was 'Secular', and still maintains to be so, while the 'Babies' born through 'scissure' out of India in 1947, by the 'Two-Nation Theory', are both 'Theocratic' countries now !!!
Why ???
All, ponder upon, this day the, 12/6 !!!
( Posted: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 at 18:32 ) "